What a waste if you just reload your prepaid every month and get no additional benefit when you can generate extra income by virtually doing nothing extra. Are you just interested in just topping up your prepaid and able to call or SMS your friends? Wouldn't it be silly when you can generate income up to thousands of ringgit every month by doing what you have been doing all these years? The difference is just stop buying prepaid cards from shops and top up just by SMS. It is so much more convenient, safer, you even can top up 24 hours a day and at the same time generate extra cash....so why are you resisting? What about your parents, girlfriends, buddies and college mates who use prepaid? Surely you can top up their prepaid just by using your handphone to SMS and get rebates ....every month as long as they are still using prepaid. Surely they will buy from you.
2. Extremely easy! Everyone can do it.
It is simple, all you need to know is how to SMS to start this business. No product for you to pack and post as all you need is a pin and serial numbers which you send by SMS.
You can perform this simple task wherever you are. You do not need an office or kiosk or maintain any stock to sell prepaid.
Ordering prepaid is just by mean of SMS. Imagine you run out of prepaid and you are in the middle of the night and the shops are closed or you are 10 km from the nearest prepaid shop? Where do you want to top up your prepaid? Just SMS and immediately your prepaid is top up. Why do the difficult when you can have this convenience? All activities and transaction are automated as all transaction are done through SMS are stored in the internet, that is your on-line account. You can even view your account, see how much rebate and bonus you have accumulated and even view all your downline and much more.
3. Extremely low investment! Absolutely no risk
If you want to talk about risk, it is only RM54.00. But after a few reloads for yourself or for your friends and not even having to sponsor anybody, you have already got back your investment. This is possible because you get rebate and discount each time you perform a top-up. Or you still think RM54.00 is such a big amount for you to start such a promising business? Although your one time initial payment is RM65.00, RM11.00 is returned to you as your rolling capital. You can even start topping up your prepaid right away. This cannot be considered your capital or loses although you may not be successful in this business. So what are you afraid off?
4. Why enrich others? When you can enrich yourself!
Do you know that the shopkeeper who sells reload to you are making massive profit and some can even offer you a small discount! Why not shift the profits to the users or the buyers? We prepaid users, 13.6 millions in Malaysia, is really a big number. We should all unite and enrich ourselves rather than the shopkeepers who keep all the profit to themselves. Just imagine with such a huge number of prepaid users that increases even more each day, performing prepaid reload every month, and we also reap benefit every month. Think rationally, it is going to be a lost or gain when you join this business ?
5. Competition
There is virtually no competition in this prepaid by SMS business. Although this business is in the form of networking, but if you look at most network marketing business, there are always base on physical product such as health food, household utensils etc. At the moment there are simply too many of such schemes and most agents lost steam and energy to sponsor others and very quickly left the business tired and frustrated. There are just so many of them selling these products, many of which you can even get from shops, and thousands of similar products sold under different brand names.
Prepaid product has no conflict with other products...if you need reload, there is only one type of Maxis reload. In addition to that, we have to top-up prepaid every month, not once sometimes 2 or 3 times depending how long we speak.
6. Set Your Target!
There are attractive returns in this business. To simplify the explanation, let us look at the potential returns by just sponsoring others in the illustration below.
Business System 3
(Sign-up bonus for new members only)
Income Level
1 8 X 10.00 = RM 80.00
2 8 X 8 = 64 X 1.00= RM 64.00
3 64 X 8 = 512 X 1.00= RM 512.00
4 512 X 8 = 4096 X 1.00= RM 4,096.00
5 4096 X 8 = 32,768 X 1.00= RM 32,768.00
6 32,768 X 8 = 262,144 X 1.00= RM 262,144.00
7 261,144 X 8 = 2,097,152, X 1.00= RM 2,097,152.00
8 2,097,152 X 8 = 16,777,216 X 1.00= RM 16,777,216.00
TOTAL RM 19,174,032.00
** The above permutation represents sign-up bonus which MyMode agents (who has yet to upgrade to MP status) will receive, and as such will only receive RM1.00 as signup incentive from Level 2 to Level 10. However, if he has upgrade to MP status, he will receive an additional RM8.00 for each signup from Level 2 onwards until such a time anyone of his downline upgrade to MP status.
Set your target to 2 members a week and similarly they signup 2 members a week...and within a month all will have 8 members. This means if the trend continues for 8 months you will achieve the amount as illustrated. Or at the least get 1 signup a week and after 16 months you will still reach the same target. It really can expand at a rapid speed and it really did not seems so difficult. Take action ..don't just read and ponder. What is really important is to look at the potential returns. If you do not do anything, surely the above will not be realised. Try doing something for yourself...give yourself a chance...it is only fair. DO IT NOW !!!!!
The above permutation and income is just a simulation. We do not promise that members will receive the above income. It is solely for the purpose of setting target and illustration and does not represent a guarantee that you will get the above income.
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